JMX in Hector

Hector is a Java client for Cassandra I’ve implemented and have written about before (here and here).

What I haven’t written about is its extensive JMX support, which makes it really unique, among other properties such as failover and really simple load balancing. JMX support in hector isn’t really new, but it’s the first time I have the chance to write writing about it.

JMX is Java’s standard way for monitoring applications. The default thrift cassandra client provides no JMX support at all so I figured you have to be crazy to run a cassandra client at such a high scale without being able to monitor it.

Here’s the list of JMX attributes provided by hector

WriteFail - Number of failed write operations.
ReadFail - Number of failed read operations
RecoverableTimedOutCount - Number of recoverable TimedOut
  exceptions. Those exceptions may happen when certain nodes
  are under heavy load that they can't provide the service
RecoverableUnavailableCount - Number of recoverable
  Unavailable exceptions
RecoverableTransportExceptionCount - Number of recoverable
  Transport exceptions
RecoverableErrorCount - Total number of recoverable errors.
SkipHostSuccess - Number of times that a successful skip-host
  (failover) has occurred.
NumPoolExhaustedEventCount - Number of times threads have
  encountered the pool-exhausted state (and were blocked)
NumPools - Number of connections pools.
  This is also the number of unique hosts in the
   ring that this client has communicated with.
  The number may be one or more, depending on the load balance
  policy and failover attempts.
PoolNames - The list of known pools
NumIdleConnections - Number of currently idle connections
  (in all pools)
NumActive - number of currently active connections (all pools)
NumExhaustedPools - Number of currently exhausted
  connection pools.
RecoverableLoadBalancedConnectErrors - Number of recoverable
  load-balance connection errors.
ExhaustedPoolNames - The list of exhausted connection pools.
NumBlockedThreads - Number of currently blocked threads.
NumConnectionErrors - Number of connection errors
  (initial connection to the ring for retrieving metadata)
KnownHosts - the list of known hosts in the ring.
  This list will be used by the client in case failover is required.
updateKnownHosts - This is an operation that may be invoked
   by an admin to tell the client to update its list of known hosts.
  Usually this is done after the ring configuration has changed.

Performance Counters: (I used the mechanics of perf4j to implement those)

READ.success_TPS - Total Read Transactions Per Second
  (measured as the average over the last 10 seconds).
READ.success_Mean - The Mean time of successful read requests
  over the last 10 seconds.
READ.success_Min - Time in millisec of the fastest successful
  read operation (over the last 10 seconds)
READ.success_Max - Time in millisec of the slowest read
  (over the last 10 seconds)
READ.success_StdDev - Standard deviation of time of successful read
  operations (over the last 10 seconds)
WRITE.success_TPS - Total write transactions per second over
  (over the last 10 seconds).
WRITE.success_Mean - ...

This looks like this in jconsole (ignore the zeros, it’s not real data…)

11 Responses to “JMX in Hector”

  1. Could you please write a post on how to get these stuffs in java?

    By ibillguo on Apr 4, 2010

  2. Java’s JMX coverage is pretty extensive and way out of scope here….
    See for example

    A simple start would be to using the jconsole UI tool

    By Ran Tavory on Apr 4, 2010

  3. Thanks, it’s working

    By ibillguo on Apr 6, 2010

  4. Does Hector have Cassandra 0.6 support (released in the last couple days)? Any plans?

    By Dan on Apr 14, 2010

  5. Yes, it’s in the 0.6.0 branch and in the downloads page

    By Ran Tavory on Apr 14, 2010

  6. Hi Ran Tavory,
    Cassandra 0.6.0 release version is available now
    Any timeline for hector on supporting official release?

    By ibillguo on Apr 16, 2010

  7. Instead of using unmaintainable bash trickery to kind SLOC, use CLOC.

    It has support for many programming languages.

    By Elazar Leibovich on May 16, 2010

  8. Oops, wrong post, I meant to mention that on the post where you mentioned how you counted Cassandra’s SLOC.

    By Elazar Leibovich on May 16, 2010

  9. that’s cool, didn’t know about cloc

    By Ran Tavory on May 16, 2010

  10. Here are steps for newbe like me –

    Non production test environment –
    Disabling Security

    To disable both password authentication and SSL (no security), set these system properties when you start the JVM:

    Warning: This configuration is insecure: any remote user who knows (or guesses) your JMX port number and host name will be able to monitor and control your Java application and platform. While it may be acceptable for development, it is not recommended for production systems.

    To enable monitoring and management from remote systems, set this system property when you start the JVM:

    where portNum is the port number through which you want to enable JMX/RMI connections. Be sure to specify an unused port number.

    Ref –

    By Gagan on Jan 10, 2011

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  1. Aug 6, 2010: Hector API v2 |

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